I've been so busy over the last few weeks and months I haven't been posting as much as normal and just realised this morning that it's Monday and I've no idea what we are eating this week, and while the freezer is pretty full, there's very little fresh food in the house, so I'd better do some shopping when the supermarkets re-open (Dec 26 is a public holiday in the UK though I know it isn't elsewhere).
Having said that, this week will be pretty easy as I'm away a bit!
Monday - Boxing Day
My mother-in-law always hosts a big family gathering with an amazing buffet so that's breakfast and dinner covered. I'm going over there shortly to help prepare the food!
Tuesday - bank holiday
Probably leftovers from yesterday!
My husband is back at work unfortunately. I'm heading back down to Southampton to see my sister, her partner and their baby, as we only saw them briefly on Christmas day and I'm now going for an overnight visit. My husband will have dinner with his mum so I don't need to worry about food.
I'm expecting to be home in time for dinner; as I don't know if I will have been able to do any shopping, I'll cook something from the freezer. I had this on the meal plan before Christmas but didn't do it: lasagne (from the freezer) for me, chicken chargrills for him
A whole day off at home for me though my husband is at work. Definitely going to the supermarket today if I haven't already by now!
Lunch: soup with fresh bread - tomato for him, leek and potato for me
Dinner: curry with leftover turkey if there is any
Saturday - New Year's Eve
Lunch: bacon sandwich
Dinner: With friends
Sunday - New Year's Day
Brunch: with friends
Dinner: steak and chips. I'll use the steak rub that a friend gave me for Christmas on it.
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The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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